Tia Hilmer
Office: NH-317 | Email: [email protected] | Download CV
- Ph.D., Economics and Statistics Co-Major, North Carolina State University, August
Research Fields: Applied Econometrics, Labor Economics, Agricultural Production,
Resource Economics - M.S., Statistics, North Carolina State University, May 1998
- B.A., Mathematics/Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 1993
Selected Publications
- Hilmer, Christiana E. and Hilmer, Michael J. (2014) Practical Econometrics: Data Collection, Analysis, and Application McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 9780073511412 / 0073511412, www.mhhe.com/hilmer1e.
- Hilmer, Christiana (2024). “An Analysis of the Factors Impacting Win Percentage and Change in Win Percentage in Women’s Division 1 College Lacrosse,” The Sport Journal, March 23, 2024.
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2022) “Insights from a Decade in the Life of Public Ph.D. Granting Agricultural Economics Departments.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Featured Article.
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2021) “Does Confirmation Bias Exist in Judged Events at the Olympic Games” (with Christiana E. Hilmer) Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sport 17(1): 1-10. Lead Article.
- Hilmer, Michael J., Ransom, Michael R., and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2021) “Meritocracy in Academic Labor Markets: A Comparison of Three Fields” Journal of Economic Inequality. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10888-021-09502-w
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2020) “On the Labor Market for Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track Lecturers in Economics” (with Christiana Hilmer) Economics of Education Review, 78.
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2019) “Do Local Amenities Increase Monopsony Power?” Economics Bulletin 39(4): 2467:2475.
- Hilmer, Michael J., Ransom, Michael, and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2015) “Fame and the
Fortunes of Academic Economists: How the Market Rewards Influential Research” Southern Economic Journal, 82(2): 430-452.
- Included in the American Economic Association, Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (CSWEP) “Related Literature” page https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cswep/survey/related-literature - Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2012) “On the Search for Talent in the Labor Market for Academic Economists: Easily-Observable Later Graduate Study Outcomes as Predictors of Early-Career Publishing, Placement, and Tenure” Economic Inquiry, 50(1): 232-247.
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. (2012) “On the Relationship Between Students Tastes and Motivations, Higher Education Decisions, and Annual Earnings” Economics of Education Review, 31(1): 66-75.
- Hilmer, Christiana E, Hilmer, Michael J. and Lusk Jayson L. (2012) “A Comparison of Salary Structures Between Economics and Agricultural Economics Departments” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, 34(3): 489-514.
- Hilmer, Christiana E. Matthew T. Holt and Richard C. Bishop (2011) “Bootstrapping Your Fish or Fishing for Bootstraps?: Precision of Welfare Loss Estimates from a Globally Concave Inverse Demand Model of Commercial Fish Landings in the U.S. Great Lakes.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2011;93(1):98-112
- Hilmer, Michael J. and Hilmer, Christiana E. “Is it Where You Go or Who You Know? On the Relationship between Students, Ph.D. Program Quality, Dissertation Advisor Prominence, and Early Career Publishing Success” (2011) Economics of Education Review, 30(5): 991-996.
- Christiana E. Hilmer, Walter N. Thurman and Roberta Morales. “The Distributional Effects of Food Safety Regulation in the Egg Industry,” The Economics of HACCP, ed. Laurian Unnevehr, 2000, Chapter 9, pp.133-148
- “Bootstrapping” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, Edited by Neil Salkind, 2010.
- “On the Division of Labor in Ph.D.-Granting Departments of Economics: Do We Practice What We Preach?” (with Michael J. Hilmer).
- “A Decade in the Life of Public Ph.D.-Granting Economics Departments: Salaries, Tenure, Promotion, and the Returns to Publication” (with Michael J. Hilmer).
- “On the Importance of Initial Job Placements on the Future Career Prospects of Current
Faculty Members in Public Ph.D.-Granting Departments of Economics” (with Michael J.
Funded Research Grants
- CAL Microgrant, San Diego State University, Fall 2005 ($500)
- “Managing Flounder Openings for Maximum Revenue,” Sea Grant. February 2005-February 2007. Co-PI with Dan Kauffman and Dan Taylor ($112,272)
- “Food Assistance and Working Poor Families in the Rural South,” Southern Rural Development
Center. October, 2002 – September, 2003. Co-PI with Bradford Mills. ($27,313)
Selected Conference Presentations
- “On the Relative Age Among Olympic Medalists” ISER International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2023.
- Best Paper Award Winner - “The Effect of Community College Attendance on the Early Career Outcomes of Minority Students: A Quantile Regression Approach” ISER International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2023.
- “So You Have a Ph.D. in Economics and You Get Offered a Full-Time Non-Tenure-Track
Teaching Position: What Can You Expect?” (with Christiana Hilmer)
International Society for Engineers and Researchers, Phuket, Thailand, August, 2019. - “Do Local Amenities Increase Monopsony Power” (with Christiana Hilmer) International Society for Engineers and Researchers, Phuket, Thailand, August, 2019.
- “On Confirmation Bias in Judged Events at the Olympic Games” (with Christiana Hilmer) International Conference on Current Research in the field of Social Sciences, Strategic Management and Applied Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2018.
- “The Effect of Community College Attendance on the Early Career Earnings of Hispanic
Males: A Quantile Regression Approach” (with Christiana Hilmer) International Conference on Current Research in the field of Social Sciences, Strategic
Management and Applied Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2018.
Professional Affiliations
- American Economics Association, 2002 – present
- American Agricultural Economics Association, 1998 – 2011
- Western Agricultural Economics Association, 2006 – 2011
Referee for Peer-Reviewed Journals
- American Journal of Agricultural Economics
- Economics of Education Review
- Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
- Journal of the European Economic Association
- Review of Agricultural Economics
- Review of Economics of the Household
- Review of Economics and Statistics