Financial Support
The economics department provides a number of scholarships and assistantships to students with strong records of scholastic achievement.
Teaching & Research Assistantships
A number of teaching and research assistantships are available for qualified students. Appointments permitting up to 20 hours of service per week are available. In addition, students interested in pursuing teaching careers at the community college level, may apply for a teaching apprenticeship position. To apply for either a GA or TA position, fill out the GA/TA application form. For more details, please contact the graduate advisor.
Other Support
A number of scholarships are available for Economics graduate students. Please see our scholarships page for further information.
Tuition Waivers
The University has available a program to provide waivers of non-resident tuition for a number of highly qualified students, including foreign students. For more information contact the graduate advisor.
Other Awards
The M.C. Madhavan Prize is awarded annually by the department to both the Outstanding Graduating Undergraduate and Masters student. The award recognizes outstanding scholarship and a cash award is given at graduation. This award has been given since 2006 and was generously established by Professor Emeritus of Economics, Dr. Madhavan.
Graduate Advising
Dr. Ryan Abman
Office: NH-308
Email: [email protected]
Dr. Ed Balsdon
Office: NH-313
Email: [email protected]
Important Links
Graduate Handbook | SDSU Class Schedule | SDSU Catalog | Special Study Form